
Top 5 Exercises to Keep You in Shape.

We all want to stay in the best health possible. But when faced with trying to keep in shape, many are intimidated by the idea of working out. Gyms bring to mind body builders lifting massive weights over their heads.

What many people don’t realize is that many of the best exercises for your body are incredibly simple and easy to work into your daily routine.

1. Stairs

Working your lower body muscles can help strengthen them and help you work on your balance, keeping you upright and moving. One great way to do this is to take the stairs. Research published by NCBI suggests that stair climbing not only helps preserve lower body muscles, but also helps with cardio, keeping the heart and lungs strong.

So, next time, consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

2. Walking

Speaking of cardio, it’s generally agreed that one of the best cardio exercises you can do is simply walking. Harvard Medical school reports that it can not only help you improve your blood pressure and cholesterol, it may also help decrease the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Plus, it’s probably the easiest exercise to work into your life. Experts suggest starting out with short 10 to 15 minute daily walks and working your way up to hour-long ones.

3. Strength

Strength training is probably one of the exercises that people find the most intimidating. But it doesn’t need to be. All you need to do is start light, with one or two pound weights. It’s important to use this time to learn proper form for lifting, to help ensure you don’t hurt yourself. Once you’re feeling comfortable, lifting properly, and finding that the lighter weights are far too light, you can then move on to something heavier.

Not only is strength training essential to help maintain muscle mass, it also helps burn calories. Plus, researchers with Harvard Medical School suggest that it may also help preserve brain function. When paired with supplements like FRISKA® Sublime Skin, which contains botanicals and collagen plus enzymes to improve nutrient absorption and is designed to help you maintain skin elasticity, you may be feeling and looking younger for longer.

4. Swimming

There are so many different benefits to swimming, it’s surprising more people don’t do it. Between the water helping to relieve weight from strained joints, the facilitation of movement, and the cardio provided by simply doing laps, there is a lot to love.

If you’re looking for a good, catch-all exercise, consider a water aerobics class. It’s a gentle way to help stay in shape.

5. Stretching

Finally, we come to stretching. Many people don’t count stretching as an exercise, but it’s just as important as any other activity. Research suggests that stretching regularly may help you with physical movement and to avoid injuries.

You may experience additional benefits from pairing ABINTRA® with stretching. Stretching will help keep your muscles limber, while the special combination of nutrients in ABINTRA® are designed to help promote healing and tissue synthesis. Together, you may find they provide you with greater ease in movement.

In general, it’s good to work out an exercise plan with your healthcare professional. Together, you should be able to plan a routine that is easy to incorporate into your everyday life and keeps you feeling your best.

Stairs source:

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Sarcopenia is a term that refers to age-related loss of muscle mass. It may begin around 35 years of age and it occurs mainly in adults who do not participate in physical activity. These individuals end up losing strength and the ability to perform certain activities. Here’s how you can prevent this condition to limit its consequences as much as possible.

Eggs and Cardiovascular Health.

Have you stopped eating eggs because you think it may negatively impact your health? Including eggs in a balanced diet may reduce the risk of some diseases, since it is high in certain vitamins and minerals, among other nutrients. Researchers assure us that consuming eggs does not increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, learn why.

Top 5 Exercises to Keep Your Health in Shape.

There are different types of activities and exercises to help you stay in shape. Here, we share with you some that are suitable for everyone, so you can start moving your body, improving your flexibility, and reducing stress.

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